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Gossoudarstvennaya Duma
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Constitutional Law and State Structure Committee (until January 2004, the Committee was called "The State Structure Committee ")

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Gossoudarstvennaya Duma
Date of creation The Committee was previously called the "State Structure Committee". In January 2004 two committees, including the Constitutional Law and State Stru
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee is responsible for the preliminary consideration of bills and their preparation for consideration by the State Duma; the organisation of parliamentary hearings of the State Duma, conferences, meetings, round-table discussions, seminars; cooperation with the legislative, executive and judicial bodies on the implementation of legislation and on other questions, including the issue of the status of the Plenipotentiary on Human Rights in the Russian Federation; oversight of human rights and citizens' freedoms in the Federation; and work on the protection of the interests of electors. It is the Constitutional Law and State Structure Committee that is responsible for preparing for the designation of the Ombudsman. All candidacies are submitted to this Committee, which checks on their compliance with the legal requirements and with the procedure for submission of prospective candidates to the State Duma.
Membership The composition of the committees of the State Duma is approved by the State Duma, as a rule, on the basis of the principle of proportional representation of parties. At present the Constitutional Law and State Structure Committee consists of 11 deputies. The principle of proportional representation of different parties is valid, but at present there is no representative of the Rodina party among the members of the Committee.
Working methods The Committee meetings are held twice weekly as a rule. Meetings for the preliminary consideration of bills and their preparation for consideration by the State Duma are held according to the Standing Orders of the State Duma and are usually open. The Committee may invite the representatives of different State authorities, specialists and experts on the particular issues to attend its meetings, which are recorded. In practice, the sponsors of a bill (or their representatives) are invited to the Committee's sessions to attend to their interests and participate in the discussion of the bill.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies During the legislative process, the Committee communicates all the bills falling within its purview to the Legal Directorate of the State Duma Office for expert examination. The Committee sets up study groups comprising some of its members and members of other committees, the representatives of State bodies and other organisations and may also invite the experts of the Legal Directorate of the State Duma Office and other experts to take part in its work. The State Structure Committee cooperates with the Committee of Public Associations and Religious Organisations and the Legislation Committee to ensure the observance of human rights and freedoms.
Relations with external bodies The Committee can decide to transmit a bill to the State organs or other organisations for the preparation of references, proposals or remarks, and also to obtain the scientific and independent evaluation of the bill. The federal organs, organs of the State authorities of the Russian Federation members and organs of local government answer the questions of the deputies of the State Duma during the "governmental hour" which is held regularly during the sittings of the State Duma. As deputies of the State Duma, the members of the State Structure Committee may invite officials to a sitting and ask them questions. The Plenipotentiary on Human Rights in the Russian Federation sends an annual report about his activities to the State Duma and to the other federal organs of the State authorities at the end of each year. The Plenipotentiary may send special reports on particular questions on the observance of citizens' rights and freedoms to the State Duma. Annual reports are officially published in "Rossiyskaya Gazeta"; special reports on particular questions may be published in "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" and other issues if the Plenipotentiary so decides.
Subjects dealt with Possibility and expediency of the creation of the institution of the Plenipotentiary on Human Rights in the Russian Federation and the Plenipotentiary on Rights of particular groups of citizens; and the expansion of the powers of the Plenipotentiary on Human Rights in the Russian Federation.
Main address 1 Okhotny Ryad
1208 New Bldg.
MOSCOW (Russian Federation)
Phone ...
Fax ...
E-mail ...
Name Mr. Vladimir N. Plygin
Notes Chairman
Name Ms. Olesya N. Sheludyakova
Notes Consultant of the Secretariat of the State Structure Committee
Address (if different from above) Address: 1 Okhotny Ryad, 1603 New Bldg. MOSCOW (Russian Federation)

Phone (+70 95) 292 42 06
Fax +70 95 - 292 78 09
E-mail sheludikova@duma.gov.ru
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 17 October 2002
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